torsdag 12. november 2009

My thoughts on "Slumdog Millionaire"

I think this movie is one of the best movies I have ever seen. I have seen "Slumdog Millionaire" before, and I think it gets better and better for every time I see it. It really deserves all the prices it has won.

The movie is based on how it really is in India. It describes very well how the poor people live in the slum, and that it is a big class segregation in India. The chronology in the movie makes it very exciting. It makes you want to know what is going to happen forth. I believed the characters because the actors played them very well. The music in the movie fitted great in all the scenes.

All this together made the movie totally well conducted. I really recommend this movie! If you have not seen it yet, go and see it now. “Slumdog Millionaire” will be a movie you remember!

mandag 9. november 2009

Dear diary !

Part 1

I have been a little bit nervous before the trip to Nigeria. I have never been in Africa before, so this will be exciting. I took the first plane from Værnes to Paris, early in the morning. The plane that was going to the capital of Nigeria (Abuja) from Paris, was four hours too late. I had no idea what to do the next four hours at the airport. After the boring hours, I was finally on the plane on the way to Nigeria. When I looked out of the window in the plane, I saw how exotic the nature was compared to the nature in Norway. It was everything from the dry Sahara to the humid rainforest. When I got out of the plane, the heat was really hitting me. It was like a shock. It was a really contrast to the cold in Norway. I took a taxi to the hotel that I had booked before the trip. The first thing I did when I got up to the hotel room, was to put me in bed. I fell asleep with once.

Part 2

I woke up with a lot of energy. I was ready to discover Nigeria. Before the trip, I had researched about different things to do in Nigeria. I ate a quick breakfast and packed a bag with a bottle of water, some food, a bikini and a camera. There was a bus with some tourists who were going to the eastern part of Nigeria. I went with them, since they were going to a national park. We stopped on the way, because we drove through a big market. There were many different homemade crafts at the market; like hand-woven clothes, herbs and leather goods. I bought a leather bracelet and a “Fulani”. A “Fulani” is a richly embroidered horse that they use in their festivals. The horse was really nice!

The national park we were going to, was called “Yankari National Park”. It was the most developed wildlife park in Nigeria and was famous for its variety of animals. There was a guide who met us when we came to the national park. He showed us around in the park. The guide was very nice. He talked a bit special English. I think he maybe had an African melody over it. He showed us and told us about the many interesting animals in the park. Some of the animals were baboons, elephants, crocodiles, monkeys and hippopotamus. I thought it was most funny to look at the monkeys. They were totally crazy and jumped from a place to another all the time. It was a little monkey which jumped up on my shoulders. It sat there for a while, and then jumped further. That was really incredible.

When we had been in the park for a while, I took a bus down to the coast. I was starving when I came to “Ibeno Beach”. The “Ibeno Beach” is one of the numerous fine beaches in Nigeria. There was a small quite restaurant on the beach. I asked the staff if they had a traditional dinner. I got the answer “of course, we have”. So they served me one of Nigeria’s specialties. That was something they called “suya” (barbecued liver and beef on sticks). There were some new flavors, but it was delicious. After the dinner, I ran down to the sea. I jumped out in the cooling water. I could not get it much better than it was.


Nigeria is located in West Africa. The country borders to the Republic of Benin in the west, Chad and Cameroon in the east and Niger in the north. Nigeria’s coast lies on the Gulf of Guinea in the south. The capital, Abuja, is located in the middle of the country. The name Nigeria was taken from the River Niger running through the country. Nigeria is the most populous country in Africa, with a population of 141 million people. The three largest ethnic groups in Nigeria are the Hausa, Igbo and Yoruba. English is the official language, but Hausa is the most widely spoken language in the country.

Nigeria has a very varied landscape. The landscape consists of hills, beaches, rainforests, savannah and a little bit of the Sahara. Nigeria is the third richest country in Africa; with one of the fastest growing economy in the world. The main exports in Nigeria are petroleum, cocoa and rubber. The life expectancy is 52 years for men and 53 years for women.

The Portuguese were the first Europeans to reach Nigeria at the end of the 15th century. At the beginning of the 19th century the British started to gain control of the Lagos area, which later become a British colony. Nigeria gained its independence in 1960.

The flag of Nigeria has three equal vertical bands of green, white and green. The green bands represent the forests and abundant natural wealth of Nigeria while the white band represents peace.

Dear diary !

Part 3

Late afternoon, I took a plane from Nigeria to New Zealand. It was a really long trip. I think it took more than 24 hours. I think I almost would have died, if I had forgotten to take with me my I- pod and my book. The landscape in New Zealand was very different to the landscape in Nigeria. There were big mountains, hills, blue fiords and green rainforests. The landscape in New Zealand reminded me a little about the landscape in Norway. I saw some white dots on the green landscape, when the plane was landing on the ground. I was wondering what the dots could be, but I could not figure it out. I wasn’t exactly tired when I got to New Zealand, because I had slept for fifteen hours.

The plane landed in Wellington, the capital of New Zealand. I was going to meet some people that I had made an agreement with, when I was in Norway. I got to know these people through some of my friends in Norway. I am actually going to sail with them in a big sailboat to Auckland City. Auckland City is located in the North Island in New Zealand. So we are going to sail from Wellington and up to Auckland City in the north. Sailing is something that I never have tried before, so I am a bit nervous. New Zealand is known for sailing and rowing. When I met the people, they were really nice. With once we got into the boat, we started to sail. It was very entertaining to sail, but it was difficult to always get the wind in the sails. While we sailed around the country, a boy on the boat showed me a bit of the nature. He told me that there were many films that have chosen to make their movie productions in New Zealand, because of the nature. The trilogy of “The Lord of the Rings” was an example, which has played some of its scenes on the green hills in New Zealand. We came to Auckland after three nights on the boat. I got to know many kind people on the sailing trip, and this will be something that I will remember.

Part 4

I booked me on a hotel, when we came to Auckland City. It was very comfortable to not feel the waves when I slept; as I did on the boat. It was the last day in New Zealand, so I was going to do look at the tallest man- made structure in New Zealand, namely the Sky Tower. It is 328 meters tall and is the 13th tallest member of the World Federation of Great Towers. The view is up to 80 kilometers in every direction. When I got up in the tower, I saw how incredible the view over the city was. It was totally amazing!

I ate a very good dinner in the 360- degrees revolving restaurant, in the building. In the main course I ate lamp, which is one of the most popular dishes in New Zealand. The waiter told me that there are 20 times more sheep than people in the country. When he said that; I figured out what the white dots (that I saw out of the window on the plane) were. They were of course sheep! How stupid could I be? I ate something called “pavlova” to dessert. It is the national dessert in New Zealand. It was made of meringue filled with whipped cream and fresh fruit. It was really delicious!

New Zealand

New Zealand is an island in the southern Pacific Ocean. It is made up of the North and South Islands. The total area of New Zealand is 270, 534 sq km. The capital in the country is Wellington. The capital is located at the southern tip of the North Island. The population is 4 million, and is mostly of European descent. The largest minority is the indigenous Maori. The languages they speak in New Zealand are English and Maori. The landscape is dominated of mountains and hills. The Southern Alps is a vast mountain chain on the South Island. The North Island has a volcano region, fiords, glaciers, lakes, and rainforests.

The country’s main exports are wool, food, dairy products, wood and paper products. New Zealand is a very development country. The country ranks highly in international comparisons on human development, quality of life and life expectancy. The life expectancy is 76 years for men and 81 for women.

In 1642, Abel Janzoon Tasman was the first European explorer to see New Zealand, but it was Captain James Cook who first set foot on New Zealand soil in 1769.

The flag of New Zealand is blue with the Union Jack in the left corner. It has also four red stars with white borders to the right. The stars represent the constellation of Crux, the Southern Cross, as seen from New Zealand.

fredag 6. november 2009

Novelleanalyse - Dagsnytt

Teksten heter ”Dagsnytt” og er skrevet av Anna Gavalda. Den er fra novellesamlinga ”Eg vil at nokon skal vente på meg”, som kom ut i 2005. Teksten har sjangeren novelle. Den er kort, har en konflikt, bygger seg opp mot et høydepunkt, har et ganske kort tidsrom og få personer. Temaet i novellen er skyldfølelse. Det som er typisk for novellen jeg skal analysere er at det er skrevet veldig mye rundt det som egentlig er temaet. Det som er ”hovedpoenget” i novellen blir på en måte litt gjemt bort av masse annet som ikke har så veldig mye med hovedtemaet i novellen å gjøre.

Novellen handler om en mann som skriver en rapport om det han gjør, altså om livet sitt. Han er hovedpersonen i novellen og heter Jean- Pierre Faret. Han jobber i et kjøttfirma, som eies av Paul Pridault. Han jobber veldig mye og setter seg virkelig inn i den jobben han gjør. Han er salgsansvarlig for hele vestsonen på kjøttfirmaet. Det halvparten av uken hans går med på, er å sitte bak rattet i firmabilen. Det han gjør er å ta rundturene for eieren. En dag skulle han i to møter, det ene i Pont- Audemer og det andre i Bourg- Archard. Han var en del forsinket, siden det var tåke på motorveien. Siden han var litt stresset, holdt han nesten på å miste avkjørselen. Senere på ettermiddagen ringte kona og var utrolig bekymret. Hun forteller at det hadde skjedd en forferdelig trafikk- ulykke på veien han hadde kjørt på tidligere på dagen. Han forsto først ikke hva hun mente, men etter at han så det på nyhetene, skjønte han hva som hadde skjedd. Det var flere drepte og sårede mennesker i ulykken. Etter mange nyhetssendinger og avisartikler om ulykken, forstår han hvordan det skjedde. Han hadde egentlig glemt alt. Han fortalte alt han husket til kona. Hun ville at han ikke skulle si noe, til noen. Hun ville ikke at han skulle havne i fengsel. Men han selv er litt usikker på om han vil ta straffen sin eller ikke.

Teksten åpner midt i handlingen. Den starter med: ”Eg burde heller gå og legge meg, men eg kan ikkje…”. Novellen har altså en ”In medias res”- innledning, og vekker interessen med en gang.

Novella er bygd opp med at den først begynner med slutten. Deretter blir det som er handlingen i novellen samlet i en rapport som hovedpersonen skriver, som kommer tilbake til slutten igjen. Teksten inneholder tilbakeblikk. Et eksempel på et tilbakeblikk i teksten er når han kommer på at han har forårsaket ulykken. Da ser han tilbake på hva som skjedde tidligere.

Novellen slutter med en ganske åpen slutt. Den slutter med at han skal lese gjennom rapporten han har skrevet. Dette gjør han for å se om det hjelper han å bestemme seg for hva han skal gjøre.

Synsvinkelen novellen har, er en personal synsvinkel. Det er en førstepersonsforteller, en jeg- forteller. Den er knyttet til en av personene i teksten (Jean- Pierre). Synsvinkelen i en tekst har stor betydning. Den bestemmer hva leseren får vite og hvordan det blir fortalt. Synsvinkelen viser på en måte én side av fortellingen, og den gjør sånn at man oppfatter handlingen fra den sin side.

Det var vanskelig å finne ut hva som virkelig var viktig i språket i novellen. Det står så mye i teksten, som er skrevet på så mange forskjellige måter. Det er både tankereferat og replikker i teksten. Alt som skjer i novellen står ikke skrevet, så man må lese en del mellom linjene. Noen hendelser blir gjentatt med andre ord og uttrykk, for å skape spenning. Et eksempel: ”Og elles heldt eg på å miste avkjørsla” og ”Feilmanøveren til ein sjåfør som skal ha rygga ved avkjøringa til Bourg- Achard, skal vere årsaka til kjedekollisjonen…”. Teksten inneholder også sammenlikninger. Hovedpersonen sammenlikner de små detaljene han gjør når han setter produktene sine ut i butikken; med når han er ute og går med ei vakker jente, mens han lovpriser sjarmen og alle kvalitetene hennes.

Etter min mening er temaet i novellen skyldfølelse. Men jeg synes også at sorg og egoisme er viktige ting novellen handler om. Hovedpersonen angrer veldig, etter at han husket at det var han som forårsaket den store trafikk- ulykken. Han ville egentlig bli straffet for det han gjorde, for å trøste de det gikk ut over. Jeg synes den også handler en del om egoisme. Han går rundt i sin egen boble, med tanker som for det meste handler om arbeidet sitt. Det virker som om at han ikke bryr seg så mye om familien sin. Når han husker at det er han som har forårsaket ulykken, tenker han først at han er fortapt. Han tenker ikke for eksempel på hvordan barna kommer til å få det, når han havner i fengsel.

Jeg synes det var ganske vanskelig å forstå denne novellen. Men likevel liker jeg den fordi den er godt gjennomført og bra skrevet. Man må virkelig sette seg ordentlig inn i teksten for å skjønne handlingen. Det er ikke nok og bare å skumlese den en gang. Etter at jeg hadde lest den tre ganger begynte tingene å falle litt på plass. Siden det som skjer i handlingen ikke står direkte skrevet ned, må man virkelig lese mellom linjene og tenke ordentlig for å få alt med seg. Jeg tror også at man kan oppfatte den veldig forskjellig fra person til person, helt ut i fra hvordan man tolker den.